Quick update

These days…

Before doing any of the other things I talked about in SUP? SUP? SUUUP?, a few updates.

Videos are on. You might have noticed, you might have cared. You don’t believe me, have a

video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDI8ZYWEcKU

What’s the point of videos? Well, I can finally share songs, talks and other crap that I like. This is MySpace*, after all.

*not MySpace

On top of that, you can - *drumroll* - leave comments!

I don’t expect anyone except the few friends who know this blog exists to comment, this has all been something for me to do while waiting for this endless lockdown to end. What else do you need, animated gifs?

Troy community fire

They’re already in, friend.

I’ll consider this a success. Now it’s time to work on the portfolio. Which will have to be ordinary enough for me not to spend hours on it. In other words, more basic than my skincare routine. I only have space for one time-consuming activity in my life.