The Correct Way to Eat Kiwis

Seriously, I don’t get it. I like the “split them in half, then use whatever tool you have and your mouth”. The point is, some Kiwis aren’t mature enough for that and all you get is a painful 10 minutes and a lot of fruit left on the skin. Okay, do you then peel the skin off? Do you slice it? How do people eat those things?

So let’s assume you peel the skin off. I tried with a peeler, and it’s okay. You don’t lose as much flesh as with a knife, which is great. But then what? Now you’ve got this green egg and it’s not even St. Patrick’s Day, what do you do? Bite it and eat it? Put it all in your mouth? Slice it? Cut it in chunks? Also, why is the bottom hard? So many questions.

Is there a right way to eat a Kiwi? Has anyone ever thought about it? Why do I seem to be the only person to care about it? And why does everyone leave when I tell them about it?

Anyway, I started a new job and moved to a new flat, in a new area. More to come soon. Soon being, when time starts flowing normally again. There’s so much I want to write on this blog. There’s so much I want to do once I finish that damn portfolio page. Of course it’s 90% done and that 10% DRAGS.

But all in all, life is good, right?